Home News Center Wintone License Plate Recognition Technology Provides One-Stop Intelligent Management Solution for 4S Stores

Wintone License Plate Recognition Technology Provides One-Stop Intelligent Management Solution for 4S Stores


#Status quo analysis#

      With the change of national consumption concept and the improvement of consumption level, the sales of automobiles are steadily increasing, and the related automobile business (vehicle sales, parts and maintenance) is also rising. 4S store is a kind of automobile franchising mode with the core of “four-in-one” (vehicle sales, spare parts, after-sales service, and feedback), and it has a great role in improving the image of automobile brands and automobile manufacturers. 4S store customers need fast, reliable and valuable services. What customers of 4S stores need is rapid, reliable and valuable services. Facing the customer groups with quality service requirements, how to quickly capture customer information and provide customers with “visible” services is the key to improve customer satisfaction.


Mobile license plate recognition applied to mobile CRM system

Wintone based on a deep insight into the 4S store, as well as an accurate grasp of the industry's pain points, is committed to high-quality products and services to help 4S stores, the launch of the parking billing system, V5 camera, motor vehicle invoice recognition, car guard pass and other products, to help the 4S store to realize the vehicle “one-stop” service.

  4S store service adviser using the mobile version of the CRM system, through the cell phone camera scanning recognition of the license plate number of the incoming car, automatic identification of the license plate number, from the CRM system to retrieve the owner of the vehicle, vehicle file information, such as the owner of the vehicle information, the last maintenance time, the insurance expiration date, etc., think of the customer's thoughts, worry about the customer's concerns, the use of the mobile side of the license plate recognition, just use the cell phone lens on the vehicle license plate, video! Automatically triggered by the license plate recognition, you can output the captured picture and license plate recognition results, without manual entry, you can quickly recognize the owner through the license plate information, to achieve rapid pick-up and associated with all subsequent service projects, customer experience satisfaction is very high.

Parking meter system applied at the entrance/exit of the store-quickly capturing customer information

      Wintone Parking Billing System is installed at the entrance and exit of 4S stores. V5 camera monitors the vehicles entering the store in real time, quickly captures the vehicle data through license plate recognition technology, displays the information of entering vehicles in real time, and at the same time uploads it to the store management system;

  The parking billing system is docked with the 4S store's store management system, and the service advisor retrieves vehicle owner information, insurance expiration time and other vehicle information from the management system, follows up with customers in a targeted manner, and assists customers in accurately completing repairs, maintenance, car purchases and other businesses;

  Wintone parking billing system in the effective parking space is full, the re-entry vehicles to implement the prohibition of access or access to collect temporary parking fee management means, but also with 4S stores customer CRM system, OA system, financial systems and other docking use, to achieve data interoperability;

  Out of the micro letter, Alipay self-service payment, the background will pay the fee information into the system, automatically lift the pole release. Parking billing system can also be customized according to the actual business needs of 4S stores, exclusive parking management system.

  Wintone License Plate Recognition Parking Billing System integrates License Plate Recognition All-in-One Machine, Parking Charge Display, License Plate Recognition Billing Software, and Intelligent Road Gate to form a complete Intelligent License Plate Recognition Parking Billing System.

“Refuse to occupy the parking space - Intelligent Charging Pile Management

      To enhance the charging experience of members' vehicles at the store, special locks are installed at the charging piles of 4S stores, and the locks are controlled through voice announcements and remote vehicle positioning tracking;

  A CART camera can manage two parking spaces at the same time, helping 4S stores effectively reduce operation and maintenance costs;

  Through the license plate recognition system interface and the server in the middle of the information transfer, and then share data with the customer relationship management system to provide customized applications for the terminals of the automotive 4S store call center and license plate recognition system for integrated design.

License plate recognition camera applied in the store - transparent repair and maintenance workshop

        Through the CarVISION camera, it can realize the visual service management of vehicles entering and exiting 4S stores, and provide the management with data basis for decision-making and analysis;

  Transparent maintenance workshop application of the car Weitong camera will repair, maintenance process displayed on the big screen, the owner can remotely watch the car repair, maintenance of the whole process, service transparency;

  After the vehicle repair, the camera recognizes the license plate information directly after the car wash service, reducing queuing, improving efficiency and enhancing customer satisfaction.